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Saturday 4 July 2015

Security Analysis & Portfolio Management SCDL Solved Exam Paper 45

This solved paper of SCDL Security Analysis & Portfolio Management of SCDL Pune has been contributed by Deepak Goyal
Thanks To: Deepak Goal

Select The Blank
Measures of ________ tells us what we can expect a typical or middle data point of a distribution to be.
  Correct Answer 
Central tendency
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________ ratio indicates the margin available after meeting the manufacturing expenses.
  Correct Answer 
Gross Profit margin
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which were the initiatives which the chairman said would focus on in 2003-04 in the speech in annual report for the year 2003-03?
  Correct Answer 
Research and development , Capital investment and focus on balance sheet , Overseas acquisitions
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What developments had taken place during the year 2000 in case of Bharat Forge Ltd.?
  Correct Answer 
Demerger of investment division and windmills , Nominee director of UTI resigned and ceased to be the director - nomination withdrawn by UTI
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The ________ phase is characterized by resistance area and support level.
  Correct Answer 
 Select The Blank
The 6.________% tax saving bonds of government of India have a tenure of 5 years.
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 Match The Following
Correct Answer
Expiration period for options
Nine months
The world's first largest options exchange
Chicago Board of options exchange
The most popular pricing options model published in the year 1973
Black Scholes
When the writer gives the buyer of the option the right to sell the underlying asset on or before the expiry date
Put option
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
An option is :-
  Correct Answer 
A contract between two parties , Where buyer receives a privilege for which he pays a premium , Where the seller accepts an obligation for which he receives a fee
Currently in India index options are both European and American in nature.
  Correct Answer 
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Return can be in the form of :-
  Correct Answer 
Dividends , Interests , Capital appreciation
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which of the following are important momentum indicators used widely?
  Correct Answer 
Rate of change (ROC) , Relative strength indicator (RSI) , Moving average convergence divergence(MACD)
 Select The Blank
The Derivative market is divided into Future market and ________ market.
  Correct Answer 
European style options are more expensive than American style because they offer greater flexibility to the buyer.
  Correct Answer 
A segment is unattractive if the buyers possess strong or growing bargaining powers.
  Correct Answer 
 Match The Following
Correct Answer
Average collection period
Similar to debtors turnover
Turnover ratios
Help measure the efficiency of utilisation of assets
Debt Equity ratio
Debt / Equity
Quick assets
Highly liquid assets
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In a typical stock market cycle which are the types of trends?
  Correct Answer 
Trends upward , Trend downward , Sideway trend
 Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is a resistance level?
  Correct Answer 
A point where there is opposition to further price rise
 Select The Blank
Debentures rated as "A" are judged to offer ________ of timely payment of interest and principal.
  Correct Answer 
Adequate safety
A mutual fund is required to dispatch the dividend warrants to the unit holders within thirty days of the declaration of dividend.
  Correct Answer 
 Select The Blank
________ measures the efficiency of credit management.
  Correct Answer 
Average collection period
 Multiple Choice Single Answer
How would you rate a portfolio with 90% investment in stocks?
  Correct Answer 
Highly aggressive
 Select The Blank
________ is due to the fact that a borrower may not pay interest and/or principal on time.
  Correct Answer 
Default risk
 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The Gordon growth model is best suited for firms :-
  Correct Answer 
Growing at a rate equal to or lower that the growth in the economy , Which have well established dividend payout ratio policy , Whose earnings are steady and perpetual

Note: Please tally the answers and verify them from SCDL textbooks as all answers might not be correct.   
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Wednesday 24 June 2015

Industrial Relations and Labour Laws SCDL Solved Exam Questions Paper 43

This paper of Industrial Relations and Labour Laws has been contributed by Mini Dhillion.
Thanks To: Mini Dhillion
 Select The Blank
The history and growth of collective bargaining can be studied under ________ different periods.
  Correct Answer  
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________ defines industrial relations as a whole field of relationship because of the necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment process in an Industry.
  Correct Answer  
Dale Yoder
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Industrial Relation Bill was passed in the year________.
  Correct Answer  
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Industrial dispute should be settled by voluntary ________.
  Correct Answer  
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Karl Max points out in his book ________, "the most agonishing spectacle in the English Factory was the remorselers exploitation of children under 10 or often only 6 and even 4 years old".
  Correct Answer  
Das Capital
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The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the year________.
  Correct Answer  
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Employees have the right to strike but no license to ________.
  Correct Answer  
Commit violence
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In every factory employing one hundred and fifty workers, ________ shall be provided for use by the workers.
  Correct Answer  
Rest room or shelter
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The Atharvavedha divides the community into four classes, viz, Kshatriya, Vyasya, Shudra and ________.
  Correct Answer  
 Select The Blank
________ is one who is a learner and has not completed a training period of one year
  Correct Answer  
An apprentice
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In case of Earned Learn or Annual Leave a worker has to apply for it ________ from the date of leave.
  Correct Answer  
15 days
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The Indian Labour Conference ________ , reiterated the need for a wide acceptance of voluntary arbitration.
  Correct Answer  
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The Factories Act was enacted in ________.
  Correct Answer  
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A tribunal shall consists of ________ person.
  Correct Answer  
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A trade union seeking recognizing as a bargaining agent should have a membership of at least ________ persons/workers in the organization.
  Correct Answer  
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________ adjudication means both or either one of the parties do not wish to refer the matter for adjudication.
  Correct Answer  
 Select The Blank
Sec 31A of the Act provides bonus to productivity in lieu of profit sharing . This section was introduced in ________.
  Correct Answer  
 Select The Blank
________ means a person who has not completed 18 years
  Correct Answer  
A minor
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If a company cannot pay statutory wages it should as per supreme count order ________.
  Correct Answer  
Close down
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The size of a grievance committee should be limited to a maximum of ________.
  Correct Answer  
4 to 6 members
Note: Please tally the answers and verify them from SCDL textbooks as all answers might not be correct.
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